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Justice for A.R.E.: Historic ECtHR Judgment against Greece on Pushbacks

On January 7, 2025, a significant victory for human rights and justice for the victims of pushbacks at Evros was achieved. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) issued a historic ruling, condemning Greece in the first-ever pushback case from the Evros region, as announced by the Greek Council for Refugees (GCR).

The victims of pushbacks at the Evros were granted justice, and a victory for human rights was achieved, according to the Greek Council for Refugees (GCR), as the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) issued a historic decision, condemning Greece for the first-ever pushback case from the Evros region!

The ECtHR issued a ruling in the case of A.R.E. v. Greece, condemning Greece for human rights violations. The case concerns the pushback of A.R.E., an asylum seeker from Turkey, in 2019.

The ruling confirms:

    • The ‘systematic practice of pushbacks by Greek authorities of third-country nationals from the Evros region to Turkey.’
    • The pushback of A.R.E., a Turkish asylum seeker, took place by Greek authorities.
    • That A.R.E. was unlawfully detained by Greek authorities before the pushback,
    • That Greek judicial authorities did not conduct an effective criminal investigation and filed A.R.E.’s complaint despite the evidence.

The Court ruled that Greece violated fundamental articles of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), including the prohibition of torture and protection from inhuman treatment (Article 3), the right to liberty (Article 5), and the right to an effective remedy (Article 13)

This ruling serves as justice for thousands of victims who report pushbacks. We call on Greek authorities to stop these illegal practices and to investigate complaints thoroughly.

Read more HERE

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