About us
The Greek Forum of Refugees is a non-profit association consisting of refugee and migrant communities, individuals and professionals working all together to support and empower asylum seekers, refugees, migrants and stateless persons.
The association was founded in Athens in 2013, in order to function as a reference organization, both for the refugee communities and for the refugees who wish to address collectively and in an organized manner their requests to the State, but also to the host society.
From refugees, with refugees, for refugees
The Greek Forum of Refugees was founded by refugees, for refugees, with refugees in order to be the bridge between the refugees themselves and their new host society. The organization works consistently as the intermediary between the communities, either organized or not, the State, and the civil society.
The main goal of the Greek Forum of Refugees is the incorporation, integration and, above all, the inclusion of asylum seekers, refugees, first and second generation migrants and stateless people in Greek and European society.
At the core of our philosophy, we work under the principles of non-discrimination, mutual respect, acceptance of every different identity, aspiring to contribute in any way we can to further democratization and harmonious coexistence in Greek and European society.
Based on the above, we empower refugees and raise their voice, promoting the intercultural dialogue, both in national and European level, as well as internationally.
Our strategic goal is the inclusion of refugees in the procedures and processes of the organization. We encourage refugees to undertake an active role in public affairs by acknowledging them as our fellow citizens with rights and obligations. We support their participation in the decision-making fora, ensuring their active involvement in social affairs.
Since its creation, the Greek Forum of Refugees strengthens the refugee and migrant communities in the context of their organization, advocating for their rights and obligations.
In cooperation with the communities that maintain a legal entity, we support all those who wish to be organized formally in order to address the State more effectively and in a more structured manner, facing the social challenges.
Communities are organized on the basis of certain characteristics such as common language, common origin and common legal status, elements which contribute to the first efforts of their social inclusion.
Specifically, the communities – members of the Forum with a legal entity and official form are the following: the Congolese community of Greece, the community of Afghan Refugees and Migrants, the Ivorian community in Greece, the community of Guinea in Greece.
Non – formal entities or communities that are in the process of being legalized and represented through individual – members of the Greek Forum of Refugees are: the Congo Brazzaville community, the Cameroonese, the Burundian, the Ugandan, the Somalian community, and the Chinese Association for Human Rights and Religious Freedom communities.
International - European Network
The Greek Forum of Refugees as a representative of refugees’ and immigrants’ societies, is a member of important european and international networks in order to achieve strategic goals, by applying institutional pressure and advocacy for the optimization of welcoming procedures and also the acceptance, incorporation and inclusion of asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants in Greek and European society.
International - European Network
European Commission expert group on the views of migrants
GFR holds two (2) consultants in the committee
Transatlantic Migrant Democracy Dialogue
GFR is a founding member
RISE Network (Refugees’ Ideas & Solutions for Europe)
GFR is a founding member
Domestic Network
In a domestic level, the Greek Forum of Refugees is a member of Inclusion councils for the refugees and immigrants and advisory boards in every municipality, being the only organisation that represents immigrants’s interests in our country
Domestic Network
GFR is a founding member