On January 7, 2025, a significant victory for human rights and justice for the victims of pushbacks at Evros was achieved. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) issued a historic ruling, condemning Greece in […]
Index of Statelessness – Greek Council for Refugees and European Network on Statelessness
Did you know that millions of people across Europe, including Greece, are affected by statelessness? Statelessness means having no nationality, which denies individuals many of their fundamental rights, such as access to education, healthcare, and […]
FoodForall: December 2024 distribution
With great success, the FoodForAll food distribution for December was completed once again, in collaboration with Intersos Hellas. As the program progresses, we increasingly realize its significance. It allows us to understand better the challenges […]
Call for Participation: New Cycle of the GED Training Program
The Global Connect Courses, offer a unique opportunity for refugees and asylum seekers residing in Athens to broaden their educational and professional prospects through the General Education Development (GED) program. The new course cycle begins on […]
Aegean Sea: Watery Grave of Human Lives
It is with deep sorrow and anguish that we stand before, once again, the unspeakable tragedies that unfolded in the waters of the Aegean Sea, the watery graveyard of human lives. Among the people unjustly […]
Peaceful protests by asylum seekers to restore interpretation, ensure human rights and access to asylum
“I have only one request: we need interpreters. We need interpreters so that we can proceed with the asylum procedures. We need interpreters so that we can go out and get a job. We are […]
Free Eye Clinic in Athens, 3-13 December 2024
We are pleased to inform you about the free eye clinic that Light Without Borders (LWB) and OneSight Essilor Luxottica Foundation, in cooperation with UNHCR, Vairamoglou S.A. and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) will organize and […]
Joint Letter to the Greek Ministry of Migration for the immediate reinstatement of interpretation services for asylum seekers in Greece
The Greek Forum of Refugees, along with 35 other organisations, signed a Joint Letter to the Greek Ministry of Migration calling for the immediate reinstatement of interpretation services for asylum seekers in Greece. Since the […]
Shipwrecks in Samos: Loss of Lives and Untold Stories of Refugees
Two bodies, a woman and a man, were recovered from the sea area of Nisakia, north of Samos, after a boat carrying refugees – migrants sank and people fell into the sea. At the same […]
European Qualifications Passport for Refugees (EQPR): Call for Expressions of Interest for Refugees, Migrants and Asylum Seekers
We encourage all interested refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers to apply for the European Qualifications Passport (EQPR), a tool that supports the recognition of their qualifications and facilitates their integration into society and the labor […]
More than a book presentation
The presentation of the book “Yonous”, on September 19, was not just a book launch event. It was the opportunity for a meaningful discussion on the current issues of asylum and migration, which directly concern […]
Immediate provision of cash assistance to Asylum Seekers in Greece
Thousands of asylum seekers across Greece have been without this minimal financial support for their survival for months. Cash assistance payments intended to partially cover basic needs have been delayed for months, leaving families and […]
DEMOCRATIC ODYSSEY: a European Alternatives Initiative
We are excited to announce that the Greek Forum of Refugees actively participates and supports European Alternatives in their crucial initiative, the Democratic Odyssey, a pioneering campaign advocating for a permanent European People’s Assembly, where the participants […]
FoodForAll: 2nd Distribution September 2024
Yesterday, we successfully completed our September #foodforall distribution. In partnership with Intersos Hellas, we provided food and school supplies to over 100 vulnerable families. These distributions allow us to connect directly with those in need, […]
The Greek Forum of Refugees wishes all children a happy school year with more skills and smiles! We warmly thank Intersos Hellas – Intersos Ελλάδα for the significant donation of school bags to vulnerable families.
Call for LGBTQI+, Roma, or Refugee Focussed Youth Workers in Belgium, Greece, & Italy
The Ευρωπαϊκό Κέντρο για τα Δικαιώματα των Ρομά (ERRC), Greek Forum Refugees and Cassero LGBTI+ Center| APS Arcigay Il Cassero are offering the opportunity to attend a seven-day training course in Athens, Greece between 3rd and 9th […]
Call for Expression of Interest to Participate in the 9th meeting of the European Migration Forum (EMF)
The European Migration Forum (EMF) is a platform for dialogue between civil society and the European institutions, on issues relating to migration, asylum and the integration of third-country nationals. Learn more about EMF HERE. The […]
The Greek Forum of Refugees actively participates in and is part of the STOP THE TRAFFIK campaign, aiming to prevent and eliminate human exploitation and trafficking. The lack of timely and accurate information is the main cause of the […]
20 June 2024: World Refugee Day – Not a celebration for everyone [Press Release]
On June 20, we join millions of people from all around the world, in order to highlight the strength, the resilience and diversity of people who have been violently cut off from their roots. This […]
Support us to rent a bus!
We invite all of you to join us in our effort to cover the travel expenses of as many families living in the open hostel structure Ritsona, so that they can join us at the […]
The ‘Democracy4all’ initiative
We are excited to announce our new initiative, Democracy4all, which will soon be launched with a new website and significant activities. This initiative is dedicated to strengthening meaningful political participation and ensuring that everyone, regardless […]
#FoodforAll: May distribution
The May distribution of the Food for All program in cooperation with Intersos Hellas was successfully completed, offering food to over 100 vulnerable families. Over time, we recognize the importance of the program, as it allows us […]
Political & Active participation and its importance in the upcoming European Elections for the GFR
We are excited to announce our active participation in the campaign organised by ECRE (European Council for Refugees and Exiles) to mobilise those with the right to vote for the 2024 European Elections! With the […]
FOOD FOR ALL: 3rd Distribution 2024
Last Thursday, once again, within the framework of the “Food for All” program, the third distribution of 2024 was successfully completed in collaboration with Intersos Hellas. Once again we were able to help dozens of […]
The Greek Forum of Refugees condemns the racist attack against the Ivorian Community of Greece and calls for action against the escalation of hate speech
We strongly condemn the recent racist attack and hate speech against members of the Ivorian Community of Greece. This horrific incident, which occurred in the midst of a community’s happy moment during a football match, […]
Useful Information for Refugees and Migrants in Greece who want to enroll their children in School
Globally, refugees and migrants face significant obstacles in exercising their right to education, a fundamental aspect of their journey towards rebuilding lives of dignity and opportunity. Despite the recognition of this right under international law, […]
Public Service System: How does it function for refugees and migrants in Greece?
Globally, refugees and migrants encounter plenty of increasing obstacles when trying to access vital services crucial for their survival and dignity, including healthcare, education, housing, food, and legal aid. Various factors contribute to these access […]
Food For All: Food Distribution in Refugee Reception Centres
During February, we managed to visit 2 of the distant “Refugee Reception Centres”, in the framework of the Food for All program, which is being implemented with the support of Intersos Hellas, from September 2023. […]
FOOD FOR ALL – Successful completion of the 1st round
We are excited to announce the successful completion of the first round of the “Food for All” program and hundreds of vulnerable families have received basic food items. However, the needs are great, highlighting the […]
Silent Suffering: Unveiling the Tragedy of Undocumented Refugee & Migrant Deaths
On the brink of a humanitarian crisis and in the pursuit of social justice and human rights for undocumented refugees & migrants, Greek Forum of Refugees proudly stands in solidarity with PICUM (Platform for International […]
Final Conference of the European project DEPART
We are pleased to invite you to the Final Conference of the European project DEPART, which will take place on 29/01/2024 at the Municipal Theater of Piraeus at 18:00 (registration 17:30). Your physical presence honors us, but those who cannot attend […]
Educational Training Program for Intercultural Mediators
We would like to inform you about an opportunity to participate in an interesting and important programme. Your participation can be extremely interesting and useful. We hope many of you will take advantage of this […]
Empower the Future: Join the Youth Board of Refugee Week Greece Festival
Are you a young adult under 25 with a lived experience of displacement? Or perhaps you’re a passionate advocate for socially engaged arts? Refugee Week Greece invites you and more young people from across Greece […]
Brief Review 2023
The year 2023 was filled with dramatic developments, and the Greek Forum for Refugees was present in the field with significant actions and participated in various discussions in Greece and Europe, representing refugee and migrant […]
PEARL – Promoting Migrant/Refugee Youth Participation in Decision Making Processes and Democratic Life
We are thrilled to announce the upcoming Final Event of the ERASMUS+ project, “PEARL – Promoting Migrant/Refugee Youth Participation in Decision Making Processes and Democratic Life”, taking place in the city of Paris on December […]
Free eye clinic in Athens! 14-20 December 2023
Light Without Borders and OneSight Essilor Luxottica Foundation, in cooperation with UNHCR, Bairamoglou and MSF, will conduct a free eye clinic in Athens for all those in need, regardless of legal status (refugees, asylum-seekers, migrants […]
The meeting of the Greek Forum of Refugees with the Minister of Migration and Asylum, Dimitris Kairidis
On Friday, 23/11/2023, we met with the Minister of Migration and Asylum, Mr. Dimitris Kairidis. We thank him for his availability and time. This meeting served as an initial introduction with the members of the […]
Active Participation and Political Integration for an Inclusive Society
One of the fundamental goals of the Greek Forum of Refugees (GFR) is the substantial and active participation of refugees and migrants in the host society. We strongly believe in an inclusive society based on […]
FOOD FOR ALL – 3rd Distribution
Yesterday and the day before, the third distribution of the ‘Food For All’ program took place in collaboration with Intersos Hellas. Once again, more than 100 families received food. New beneficiaries were added to the […]
FOOD FOR ALL – 2nd Distribution
In the previous two days, the 2nd distribution of the Food for All program took place, in collaboration with Intersos Hellas. This time, over 100 families visited us and took part in the program, receiving […]
FOOD FOR ALL – 1st Distribution
With great joy, last week, the distribution of food through the “Food For All” program began in collaboration with Intersos Hellas. The distribution lasted 2 days and over 100 families were recorded and participated in the […]
Brussels: Civic Pride Awards
In 2000, the vice-president of the Greek Forum of Refugees and president of the Ivorian Community of Greece (Communauté ivoirienne de la Grèce) had the honor of being awarded the Civic Pride award, which is […]
Food for All
The Greek Forum of Refugees in collaboration with INTERSOS HELLAS is starting the implementation of the FOOD FOR ALL program, which is supported by Stichting Vluchteling – SV (https://www.intersos.gr/). The program aims to help as […]
Solidarity match on the occasion of the crime in Pylos
On the occasion of the tragic crime that took place in Pylos with hundreds of refugees as its victims, the Union of Salaried Lawyers organized a solidarity fight, which was happily supported by the Greek […]
World Refugee Day, 20 June 2023: We must not get used to human tragedy
On World Refugee Day, the Greek Forum of Refugees and its community members organized an event aiming to highlight and raise awareness regarding the ongoing challenges and difficulties faced by refugees and asylum seekers in […]
I-SAVE: Inclusive Self-Advocacy Education and Empowerment for Young Refugees and Asylum Seekers living in temporary accommodations
Erasmus Plus KA2 – Youth Partners (links): You can also view the Project Website HERE Duration 1st Feb 2021- 30th August 2023 About the Project To date, more than 79.5 million people across the world have […]
Pylos shipwreck: Yet another tragedy – consequence of deterrence policies
The Greek Forum of Refugees is a founding member of the campaign for asylum access, which advocates for the right of asylum seekers to have access to a fair and effective asylum system. Athens, 16 […]
World Refugee Day: We must not get used to human tragedy
With the occasion of World Refugee Day on June 20th: Come and engage in discussions with refugees from the camps and their communities, sharing the challenges they face in their daily lives. Let us sit […]
Give food for vulnerable families
There are hundreds of “invisible” individuals around us that are unsupported and suffer with food insecurities. With this post we want to bring light to this issue and call out each and everyone one of […]
The PEARL project
The Greek Forum of Refugees, as a refugee – led association, firmly supports every initiative that aims to foster participation of refugees and migrants in the public sphere. In that sense, we partnered with other […]
Discovering Empowering Opportunities for Inclusion and Making a Difference with Anastasios Maragiannis
Exciting news! The Greek Forum of Refugees is collaborating with Professor Anastasios Maragiannis from the University of Greenwich to continue his awarded research on Diversity + inclusivity by design. This time, they are focusing on […]
Greek Forum of Refugees is happy to announce that our Self-Advocacy Team, is getting actively engaged in our AMIF project DEPART, with the cooperation of the Piraeus Open School of Immigrants, has concluded the capacity-building workshops […]
On the 20th and 21st of January 2023, the Greek Forum of Refugees and the organizations partners of the project DEPART materialized the transnational partners meeting in the cities of Barcelona and Girona respectively. This […]
DEPART (Developing Effective Policies for migrants and refugees through SAT-based policy making processes)
The Greek Forum of Refugees (GFR) as a Self-Advocacy grassroots organization founded by refugees, with refugees for refugees. Based on the idea of Self-Advocacy, Greek Forum of Refugees created a Self-Advocacy Team out of the […]
What is the Greek Forum of Refugees?
GFR is a refugee-led organization based in Greece, consisting of refugee/migrant communities, professionals and individuals. Its ultimate goal is the effective inclusion and integration of refugees/immigrants and asylum seekers in the host society. GFR is […]
The Pearl Project: Online Course Preparation promoting Refugee and Migrant Youth Participation in Decision Making Processes and Democratic Life
The Pearl project is dedicated to enhancing political participation among youth with refugee and migrant backgrounds through the development of an Online Course. This innovative initiative focuses on creating a comprehensive platform that addresses the […]
G100 conference
The Greek Forum of Refugees, known by its acronym GFR, hosted on the 13th of January the first G100 Conference ‘New Voices for Europe’ in Athens. The GFR, a refugee-led organization founded in 2012, has […]
The story of the Greek Forum of Refugees: An interview with Yonous Muhammadi
What is the Greek Forum of Refugees? How and why did it start? What is its mission and what ideas does it serve? Royeen Muhammadi, Volunteer and member of the Greek Forum of Refugees’ youths […]
Think of one last act of solidarity …
As you think of one last act of solidarity at the end of the year, we invite you to consider to make your End-of-Year Giving by contributing to the preparation of prescriptions, or food boxes […]
Who wishes to be a refugee?
The shipwrecks in Kythira and Lesvos have come to remind us of the harsh reality faced by a person who is forced to flee his homeland. How many dead, how many missing, how many fellow […]
NO to “instrumentalisation”, YES to a Common European Asylum System
The Greek Forum of Refugees along with civil society organisations across Europe co – signs a text expressing its great opposition to the European Commission’s proposal regarding the creation of a regulation addressing instrumentalisation in […]
Banking services for refugees and migrants!
Good news for the English-speaking, French-speaking and Arabic-speaking population in Greece! The Cooperative Bank of Karditsa in collaboration with the Share Sira project “Strengthening and Expanding Social Orientation & Integration for Newcomers in Rural Areas”, […]
The Pearl Project and the Greek Forum of Refugees
We are proud and glad to be part of the Pear Project. The Pearl Project is a project that seeks to promote the participation of young migrants and refugees in the decision making process and […]
Afghanistan: A year after the return of Taliban and the Exodus and Suffering of Afghan people
On Monday, 11th of July at Serafeio City of Athens Conference Center, the Greek Forum of Refugees along with the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) and the Afghan Community of Migrants and Refugees […]
You’d better hear the voice of refugee – women in Thessaloniki!
The Greek Forum of Refugees had both the pleasure an the honor to be present in the City of Thessaloniki (23 – 24 June) where it held a series of informative sessions with the city’s […]
The issue of Afghanistan and the violations of the fundamental human rights in the Hellenic Parliament
On Tuesday, 5 July the Hellenic Parliament welcomed former members of the Afghan Parliament and members of the judiciary who found themselves in Greece and Europe as refugees and asylum seekers, one year after the […]
The establishment of the Integration Council for Migrants and Refugees in the City of Karditsa
On Wednesday, 15th of June, the Greek Forum of Refugees inaugurated the start of the Integration Council for Migrants and Refugees together with the Municipality of Karditsa, a few days before the World Refugee Day […]
We support the valuable work of the Ukrainian communities
From the first day of the war in Ukraine (February 24) and having the experience of Afghanistan and Syria, we decided to support the Ukrainian communities, formal and non-formal, in order to help create a […]
AFGHANISTAN: A year after the return of the Taliban. The exodus and the suffering of the Afghan people.
Central photo: Marcus Yam – Los Angeles Times / Getty Images August 23, 2021 A year after the dramatic events that followed the western forces’ withdrawal from Afghanistan and the violent seizure of power by […]
Invitation – Presentation of the H2020 project “SO – CLOSE”
Dear friends, We are pleased to invite you to the presentation of the 3 – year Horizon 2020 European project SO – CLOSE, Enhancing social cohesion through sharing the cultural heritage of forced migration, on […]
Strong message against discrimination, a victory for human rights
On Tuesday, 17th of May, the Greek Forum of Refugees’ Football Team and Police Action for Human Rights met again, after their first meeting for the World Human Rights Day (10th of December), in the […]
Friendly football match between the Greek Forum of Refugees and Police Action for Human Rights
Honoring the 17th of May, the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, the Greek Forum of Refugees and the Police Action for Human Rights organize together a friendly football match between refugees and policemen. This […]
Europe Bottom – Up Migration Conference 10 – 12 May 2022
The Europe Bottom – Up Migration Working Group, the Greek Forum of Refugees, the Network for Dialogue and the Department of Public Health Policy at the University of West Attica have the pleasure of inviting […]
Refugees’ voice is getting stronger!
On Wednesday, 20th of April 2022 the Greek Forum of Refugees held an informative session in the premises of the Congolese community in Athens regarding refugees’ representation through the Integration Councils for Refugees and Migrants. […]
Together with the Ukrainian refugees
Friday, March 4th 2022 An informative meeting was held at the premises of the Greek Forum of Refugees between the Coordination Committee of the Ukrainian Communities in Greece and the General Secretary of Social Solidarity […]
Public discussion to be postponed…
Dear friends, The current developments in Ukraine force us to postpone our public discussion on “Asylum challenges: The recognition of Turkey as a safe third country” (https://www.facebook.com/events/526821535402685?ref=newsfeed). We focus all of our attention to the […]
Greek Forum of Refugees Announcement
Associated Press Photo/Andrea Alexandru The Greek Forum of Refugees opens its premises and its heart to the Coordination Committee of the Ukrainian Communities in Greece in order to organise, cordinate and support the initiatives of […]
Asylum Challenges: The recognition of Turkey as a safe third country
Dear friends, The Greek Forum of Refugees invites you all to the public panel discussion regarding “Asylum Challenges: The recognition of Turkey as a safe third country”. The public discussion will take place in Serafio, […]
Joint Statement: Afghan Diaspora Organizations recommendations to the European Union’s (EU) response to the crisis in Afghanistan
The Greek Forum of Refugees joined Afghan Diaspora Organizations across the World on a common statement regarding recommendations addressed to the EU Institutions for a proper response to Afghanistan’s multiple crisis. We, the signatories, emphasize […]
Moments that make us proud at the Greek Forum of Refugees…
When our friends have the opportunity to make their wish come true, then in the Greek Forum of Refugees we are all happy. When, in fact, they are awarded for the result, we are thrilled… […]
Vaccines for all: Info sessions in January
The Greek Forum of Refugees organized four (4) informative sessions within January, in the context of the continuation of the “Vaccines for All” campaign to raise awareness in the refugee and migrant communities regarding the […]
Greek Forum of Refugees’ position on the National Integration Strategy
Not an integration plan, rather an exclusion one The refugees’ and migrants’ inclusion to the Greek and the European society remains a firm position of our association. The Greek Forum of Refugees, an association of […]
We refuse to lose a victory!
GFR F.C. vs Aetos of Northern Epirus (2-1) On Sunday, November 21 at the RENTI STAR sports’ facilities and in the context of the 5th match of the Greek Forum of Refugees’ football team for […]
Joint Press Release by 28 civil society organizations
The Greek Forum of Refugees co – signs a joint press release with 27 civil society organizations, once again calling on the Greek government to urgently comply with its national, European and international obligations. On […]
Informative sessions on the vaccination process against COVID19 at the Greek Forum of Refugees’ premises
On Thursday and Friday, 16 & 17 December, the Greek Forum of Refugees held two informative and raising awareness sessions on the vaccination process against COVID19 with Arab – speaking asylum seekers and refugees. The […]
Informative session on the vaccination against COVID19 with the Achmadiyya Muslim Community in Greece
On Sunday, 12 December the Greek Forum of Refugees was hosted by the Achmadiyya Muslim community in the context of an informative meeting regarding the vaccination process against COVID19. The session had a hybrid form […]
GFR F.C. sends the message “Vaccines for All”
On Thursday, December 2, at our home ground in Alepotripa, Kypseli, we had the pleasure and the honor to host the President of the Hellenic Pulmonologists Association and pulmonologist at the reference hospital for covid19 […]
We say “YES” to the labor integration
On Friday, 5 November, at the Greek Forum of Refugees’ offices we had the pleasure to host a very interesting workshop within the context of the “Young Entrepreneurs Succeed” project that is implemented by the […]
Football Show!
Pagritios Kallitheas Vs GFR F.C. (5 – 8) On Sunday, 14 November, at the Municipal Sports and Recreation Park of Kallithea, in the context of the 4th match of our football team for the Elite […]
Announcement by the Greek Forum of Refugees
Dear friends, We would like to inform you all that the Greek Forum of Refugees keeps its premises open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10:00 am – 13:00 pm for all those who wish to […]
Third win in three matches and first place in the league table
GFR F.C. vs Dynamo Smyrnis (4-0) On Sunday, November 7, at the facilities of “Fous de Fout” in Vari, the football team of the Greek Forum of Refugees faced Dynamo Smyrnis in the context of […]
Vaccines for all: We protect our community!
On Saturday, November 6, at the offices of the Congolese community in Greece, the Greek Forum of Refugees co-organized with the community an informative session on the vaccination against COVID19. The meeting was attended by […]
Assemblies of Solidarity – A collaboration between the Greek Forum of Refugees and the New Europeans
The Greek Forum of Refugees along with the New Europeans, a non-profit association, organized on the 30th of September 2021 the initiative titled “Assemblies of Solidarity” which is a citizen-led project coordinated by “Citizens Take […]
Vaccines For All: Because COVID19 does not discriminate.
On Saturday, October 30, at the Afghan M & R Community in Greece (https://www.facebook.com/afg.mr.greece) offices, the Greek Forum of Refugees co – organized with the community an informative session on COVID19 vaccination process with the […]
Vaccines For All: Informative session in the Congolese community
On Saturday, November 6 at 15:00 the Greek Forum of Refugees along with the Congolese community in Greece jointly organize an information session on the vaccination against covid19. The briefing will be attended by the […]
Denying food: instead of receiving protection people go hungry on EU soil
Dancing in the rain… Aris Voulas – GFR F.C. (1-2)
The Greek Forum of Refugees’ Football Team, simply the GFR F.C. , coupled its victories, last Sunday, 24th of October playing in Aris Voulas’ home in the context of the 2nd match for the Elite […]
Info session on the vaccination against Covid19 with the Afghan community
On Saturday, 30 October at 12:00 pm, the Greek Forum of Refugees and the Afghan Community of Migrants and Refugees organize an informative session on the vaccination against covid19. The event will take place in […]
Powerful start for the GFR F.C. GFR F.C. – Ifaistos Patission (7-1)
On Sunday, 17 October at the “Fous de Foot” stadium in the facilities of Vari and in the context of its first match for the Elite II of the championship http://anexartito.com/, the Greek Forum of […]