On the 20th and 21st of January 2023, the Greek Forum of Refugees and the organizations partners of the project DEPART materialized the transnational partners meeting in the cities of Barcelona and Girona respectively.
This event gave a great opportunity to the partners involved in the project to bond even more with each other, discuss the progress and future tasks, as well as the challenges that they face in the project, and exchange good practices and solutions that would tackle them.
In Girona, the partner NGOs and Municipalities got to meet the Self-Advocacy Team of the Asocolgi Organization and engaged in an important and fruitful conversation about the objectives of the project and the issues that migrants and refugees face in Spain. This session was an eye-opener to the rest of the partners as it revealed the similarities as well as the differences in migration policies of the different countries involved. The self-advocates of the Ascologi team, who have already gone through the empowerment workshops that the project DEPART offers, presented in a clear manner their cases, concerns and hopes for the future. For the Self-Advocacy Team of Girona, the next step is to meet with policymakers and work on pilot policies that would tackle the everyday issues the migrant population there struggles with.
Greek Forum of Refugees is proud of its Self-advocacy idea and the whole team for their important work for active participation and inclusion in the decision-making process at every level in our society.
To find out more about the DEPART project follow this link.