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I-SAVE: Inclusive Self-Advocacy Education and Empowerment for Young Refugees and Asylum Seekers living in temporary accommodations

Erasmus Plus KA2 – Youth

Partners (links):

You can also view the Project Website HERE


1st Feb 2021- 30th August 2023

About the Project

To date, more than 79.5 million people across the world have been forced to leave their homes and to find shelter in another part of their country or abroad (UNHCR, 2019). As a result of this movement, it is increasingly clear that a lack of human rights-based migration governance at the global, regional and national levels is leading to the routine violation of migrants’ rights in transit, at international borders, and in the countries they migrate to (OHCHR, 2020).

Migrants in an irregular situation tend to be disproportionately vulnerable to discrimination, exploitation and marginalization, often living and working in the shadows, afraid to complain, and denied their human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The I-SAVE project for inclusive self-advocacy for young displaced persons (IDP), refugees, and asylum seekers (17-25-year-old) consists of five interrelated outputs:

  1. ISave stories: reflecting on Human Rights (Videos)-digital self-representation tools for young migrants;
  2. The Hedge Programme-Training Handbook for youth workers and practitioners working in the youth field to empower self-advocacy in 17-to-25-year-old refugees and migrants;
  3. ISave HEDGE Global Effectiveness Masterclasses to encourage global advocacy–training tools for young refugees
  4. ISave Platform-youth-led platform to support young leaders and youth workers;
  5. ISave Know-How Policy Recommendation for creating ISave networks for NGO’s working with young refugees

The project aims to develop an innovative, youth-led educational and empowerment program to enhance young refugees’ knowledge of their human rights and make human rights relevant to daily life, in this way allowing them to safeguard their well-being, and to become self-resilient and independent adults. The resources will improve and extend the supply of high-quality, non-formal learning opportunities tailored to the needs of young refugees on human rights, providing them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for personal fulfillment and social inclusion.

The objectives are to:

  • Allow for real youth-led co-creation between young refugees and migrants and professionals working in youth fields from different backgrounds (volunteering, advocacy, creative arts, human rights), and eventually to develop innovative approaches to the challenges of young refugees
  • Empower young refugees to protect themselves by knowing about their human rights
  • Develop capacities and skills of individual refugees to conduct self-advocacy in relation to the policies and practices that concern them
  • Design the resources for use not only by young people but also service providers, NGOs, and organizations working in the youth field
  • Develop young, migrant-led advocacy, online platform for networking, peer to peer learning, training resources for youth workers and volunteers working with young refugees

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