On Thursday, December 2, at our home ground in Alepotripa, Kypseli, we had the pleasure and the honor to host the President of the Hellenic Pulmonologists Association and pulmonologist at the reference hospital for covid19 “Sotiria”, Ms Mata Tsikrika.
The athletes of our team had the opportunity to be informed in depth about covid19, about their right but also the need to be vaccinated, as well as about their concerns regarding the health part and especially during the pandemic period.
The session took place in the context of the “Vaccines for All” campaign, which aims to inform and raise awareness over the vaccination process to the refugee and migrant communities.
It was a great honor for us to have Ms. Tsikrika present, who, in fact, attended the morning training of the team after a continuous long shift at the reference hospital. For us, people like Ms Tsikrika, they are a real role model and the least we can offer them as a reward for their valuable services is to be vaccinated.
Vaccines for All.
We owe it to the people who serve us. To people like Ms Mata Tsikrika.