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20 June 2024: World Refugee Day – Not a celebration for everyone [Press Release]

On June 20, we join millions of people from all around the world, in order to highlight the strength, the resilience and diversity of people who have been violently cut off from their roots. This day is dedicated to the memory of those who did not make it, to the children that so brutally lost their childhood and to the victims of forced and violent displacement.

Many people celebrate this day, but we do not.

But why?

Because thousands of people are losing their lives on the doorstep of Europe, especially in the Aegean, seeking asylum and protection.

Because the basic rights of asylum seekers and refugees are constantly violated, while they are treated as criminals and detained in “detention centers”, the well-advertised closed and controlled “accommodation” centers under inhumane conditions.

Because refugees and asylum seekers in Europe and especially in Greece of 2024, remain homeless, restricted and isolated in “accommodation” structures under miserable living conditions, disconnected from the social fabric, while at the same time, their access to social goods and services is in fact a luxury.

Because refugees and asylum seekers are vulnerable to various risks, such as social and structural racism, exploitation by traffickers and apparently to the threat to their own lives.

Because unfortunately, we see no hope and no prospects, at the European or global level, but also no effort to deal with the root cause of the problem of migration and displacement, which is none other than wars and conflicts. Not only is the real cause of the problem not being addressed, but at the same time any attempt to achieve world peace is being undermined.

Because refugees and migrants, who represent a large and important part of the society, remain invisible and marginalized, while the matter of integration and inclusion is still considered an issue, despite the efforts of the local community, the local authorities and also the refugee and the migrant communities themselves.

For all these reasons and for even more, all of us in the Greek Forum of Refugees and the Refugee and Migrant communities, we always try to be present, fight for basic needs and to encourage the active participation of everyone in social events, as citizens with equal rights and obligations.

Unfortunately, the attached videos are still relevant and highlight the issues described above.

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